Category Archives: Life


You know when you just stand in front of your mirror, totally naked?

You begin to judge yourself…cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight, pasty skin, nose too big, eyes too small, hips too wide…and then one day you stop judging as harshly?

You stand face to face with the mirror and you notice you look great. You’re smiling at yourself. Hold that feeling – just pause and don’t let go. You have made peace with yourself for that very moment and everything is wonderful. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining outside, there’s light in your heart.

I just had that moment. I stood in front of my mirror. I thought to myself…what is wrong with me? During these days when my motivation and confidence are seriously lacking, I’ve been asking myself this question, trying to make sense of my present state.

Immediately I started to think that I must find my flaws. I looked in the mirror at my body. And I didn’t see any. I started thinking about my personality. What is wrong with it? Again I contemplated…and came up with no result. I know I have flaws…everyone does. But in this moment I just had, I had zero. I smiled at myself in the mirror, knowing I had just achieved something big.

I can smile at myself, and in return, boost my own confidence and make myself happy. Today was a great day. Today I found myself again. I guess I had to lose myself to improve myself.

